Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New Kitten

Well, we had to put Piper to sleep about a week ago. She had an incurable disease called Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) and only about 5 percent of cats have it. Since Banjo had never been alone, he got depressed because he missed his sister so we decided to get him a friend.
Meet Remo...

Banjo and Remo get along very well and they play all the time. Banjo is no longer lonely!

This was David's Valentines present to me. He did so good!


Dot said...

So sorry about your kitty. But Banjo is happy again Enjoyed seeing you but missed David. Maybe next time? MaMaw

Ashley said...

That's the saddest story!
I'm glad you got a new one!

Ashley said...

You should totally try to brew some beer! I asked Blaire for a few pointers and we watched Alton Brown's home brew show several times. We also have a really good home brew store near our house and the guys in there were helpful. We just got a starter kit that included all the equipment and a little starter recipe kit that included all the ingredients (plus we had to get that 20 liter stock pot). Start saving bottles if you decide you definitely want to brew your own. Supposedly it will take 20-35 bottles depending on the size of the bottle for every batch. Even with buying all those things to get started it will still be like a dollar per bottle for the first batch and get increasingly less expensive the more times we brew. It's really exciting! Make sure you post about it if you do it!!!